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I am an artist, photographer, book lover. I am a mom- of two squirrelly + brilliant boys. I am obsessed with abandoned houses. I'm constantly craving lemonade. And I am passionate about showing people how deeply gorgeous they truly are. Inside and out.



I started my photography business when I was 18, focusing on kids and families, but this transition to boudoir about five years ago has meant the world to me. I tell anyone who will listen how much I freaking LOVE my job.

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I know how powerful an *amazing* photograph of yourself can be. That is life-altering stuff right there. Like, change how you see yourself at the core. I know how rarely you are actually able to take time out for you. To focus on you, alone, feeling really good about yourself. In your skin. Maybe in your skivvies.



When I'm photographing- I am having a blast. It's seriously my favorite. I am a dork. I am so jazzed-up. I am showing you how to pose, but I'm in jeans cuz frankly, I'm always in jeans. I am climbing on the furniture, and maybe worrying you, but it's probably fine, I've done it before. I am creating awesome artwork right along with you. And I am over-the-top loving it.

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